The Quote -

"Nope, I don't really have anything new to say. but then, I always have something amazing to tell about things that you already know!!"


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome to heaven- A 55 fiction.

The Snap---

The fiction--

"Welcome to heaven...." They greeted him warmly.

Luminescent halos,
flowing robes,
floating angels,
beautifully divine: Everything a joyous shade of crystal white.

Suffocated with cascades of escatasy he blurted out "But what did I do to deserve this..."

A kind voice answered him back

Of course you deserve this. Afterall Arent you coming from the planet earth???

Author's note-

In this story, I have left the ending open so as that people can draw their own conclusions from the vague but slightly leading ending. I would like to know your views on this write. Do humor me on your thoughts.


Until next post...


Renu said...

living on this earth is more than any penace? that you want to convey?

muthu said...

@ Renu --

Ha ha....

yeah that might be the basic Idea that can be got from the fiction but then...

Also the endings give rise to a lot of other possibilities like

May be there are other planets than earth...

May be living on earth is not that bad... You can got to heaven later....

What say.. right???

workhard said...

You ve got a sarcastic tone here.. but true.. chaos .. First Hell then Heaven

Work from home India

muthu said...

@ workhard --

A satire is but sarcasm with a mild tone of humor projecting a twisted thought....


bondgal_rulz said...

I like!!!

A very different perspective. :)

muthu said...

@ bondgal_rulz ----

:) --- A very satirical one too... dont you think so.. :)