The Quote -

"Nope, I don't really have anything new to say. but then, I always have something amazing to tell about things that you already know!!"


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Soak no more !! – a short fiction

The Snap-

The fiction-

“But mom, I just wanted to save you time.” A tiny voice justified.

“So, you soaked the clothes yourself.”

The rain drenched kid looked up with pride. “Yes, yes, just like you do before washing”

 “Yeah” she said with a suppressed grin “but I usually don’t wear them when soaking…”

“Okay” her kid said quite obediently. “Next time I will remember it”

It was then she burst out laughing. 

Author's note-

I wanted to write a small but a sweet fiction for - The Surf Excel Matic #soaknomore Contest. And I wanted the kid's gender to be ambiguous so that more people can relate to the fiction. Hope you guys like it.


nan said...

Ha ha .. Cute :)

muthu said...

@ nan-

Thanks. I wanted it to be so. Just like a well made ad for #soaknomore. :)

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

They could use this one for their ads muthu,,,...Very sweet

muthu said...

Yeah!! Hope they would feel the same way. :)


Anagha said...

it is awesome.....will be pretty interesting in mini screen..:)

sakthi sri said...

simple ... wouldn't it b better if u had elaborated on it....

muthu said...

@ Anagha --

Yeah, It would indeed be interesting. Welcome to my blog. and thank you for your comments!!

muthu said...

@ sakthi sri --

hmhm... I wanted it to be simple. Rather than going descriptive about the narration, I wanted something short and cute that would deliver the message -- #soaknomore in a cute and if you may allow- a warm and humorous way.

I wanted you remember the idea rather than the surrounding hoopla. Hope I achieved that.

And thanks for you pretty sharp comment. I myself was quite a cat on the wall before posting it. But then decided to go for the shorter version rather than pulling the story apart with narrative.

Hope I answered you!!

Unknown said...

Hi Muthu,

Really creative - this one! I you could really have directed an Ad for this one :) Couldn't have humored myself better.

Thanks and keep writing

- India Violet

muthu said...

@ India Violet -

Glad you think so. Cheers. :)

Panchali said...

awwww...Fantastic imagery and a lovely lovely attempt....:)

Panchali said...

- awed and spell bound! Just a few words were so impactful. Muthu!! Loved it!

Confused Soul said...

this was cute...but I wish there were more details or you'd have it more elaborate. Nonetheless, a nice read :)

muthu said...

@ Panchali --

am glad that you love it. :)

muthu said...

@ confused Soul --

hmhm... Thanks for your comments and welcome to my blog.

Well, Like I said to sakthi sri- I wanted to keep it simple. If I would have gone elaborate- I think I would have gone too much off the topic -- I would have to describe more of the rain, about the girl, about her mother and so on- that would bring down the significance of #soaknomore theme. I just wanted to leave you with a cute idea in the shortest time possible.

And I am glad that you found it cute.

Cheers. :)

Someone is Special said...

You are a master of short stories.. :)

Someone is Special

Meoww said...

I can almost see the demure kid talking earnestly with his mom... Very sweet!

muthu said...

@ Someone is Special --

Wow, I am hugely complemented. I don't know - what to say.

hmhm... Creating a good story is always a definite high for me.

Cheers and Thank you. :)

muthu said...

@ Meoww --

I am glad for your comment. You addressed the kid as a him, though the picture suggests otherwise. Meaning, the story got to you before the picture did. Like I have put up in the author's note- I wanted the kid to be ambiguous so that more people can relate to the warmth of the kid and the mother.

And I am happy that you found the story sweet. :)

Cheers. said...
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muthu said...
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anuradha said...

How cute!

(pls delete my previous comment, i added the email id instead of name)

muthu said...

@ anuradha --

yeah... Welcome to my blog. Glad to have your comment.

Cheers. :)

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Nevin said...

I don't usually do this but here you go = "aww thats so cute :D "
Really sweet. Good luck with the competition.

muthu said...

@ Nevin --

Honestly, I am flattered. Thanks a lot for the comment (you just made my day. :D )and welcome to my blog.

Thanks again for your wishes...

Cheers man..

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